(photo from IMS website)
Ms. Popino is a dance teacher at IMS. She likes teaching various forms of movement to her students. She also loves her dog, Cosmic. Another thing that she enjoys is eating out at Chipotle.
Ms. Popino started dancing at the age of 4. That is very impressive considering the fact that she was very little. She wasn’t very sure about what inspired her to come into the field of dancing. Especially since she had no family history of dance or any prior knowledge.
When she told her mom she wanted to pursue dancing, her mom found a local studio and the rest is history.
“I think dance means probably everything to me,” Ms. Popino said.
She feels that dancing is a way to communicate with others, bridge different cultures, and learn about yourself and others.
Popino has been dancing her entire life. Which is so amazing and means that she really loves the art of movement. Some of her favorite topics to teach are choreographic tools, where she gives her students a blank idea on which they have to build off of, and she really likes to see what creative things they come up with.
Another topic that she really loves to teach are the elements of dance projects with her 6th graders in which each of the groups will create a dance and then they’ll make it into one big dance choreography.
“I think that listening is a big quality that good dancers need as well as giving 110% effort,” Ms. Popino said. This quality plays a huge role in being a good dancer because good dancers listen to helpful feedback, and pay attention to the small details.
“These qualities will benefit you by helping you improve because if you’re not listening then you won’t get the corrections you need, and if you’re never trying your best then you will never be able to push yourself to the next level,” Ms. Popino said.
Something that Ms. Popino expects from her students is for them to try their best, depending on what their best looks like that day. Another thing that she expects is for them to follow directions and listen so that they understand. She understands that a lot of people don’t really want to take dance. So she asks them to learn and take away something positive from dance.
If the student isn’t really in the mood and they’re constantly getting distracted, Ms.Popino likes to put on a nice song and just shake it off or positive reinforcement with some Jolly Ranchers!
“I’ve always wanted a marley dance floor, speakers, mirrors, and eventually be in a more isolated room because right now being in the cafeteria I would love to have something like a dance studio, and for the students, I want them to grow as a performing ensemble where they could perform at Woodbridge or around the community,” Ms. Popino said.
If Ms. Popino brings these changes then she feels that there would be less distractions from other students and faculty. They will also have more day to day commitments and that same routine. Which will bring another level within their dancing.