A picture of the main emotions from Inside Out. ( Photo from Google Images)
Mrs. Rodriguez is a guidance counselor who helps 6th graders express/talk about emotions here at IMS. She helps students resolve drama, feelings, bullying, arguments, and more.
Panther Press: When did you decide that you wanted to become a Guidance Counselor?
Mrs. Rodriguez: When I was in high school I knew I wanted to help students and thought of becoming a teacher. Then I realized that I wanted to be a counselor instead of a teacher.
Press: What was your inspiration for becoming a counselor?
Mrs. Rodriguez: My mom and siblings are both teachers so I knew that being in education is always something I wanted to do and I think that led me to find my passion of helping students.
Press: How do you deal with mixed emotions from different students?
Mrs. Rodriguez: Sometimes a student can express one emotion but really they’re feeling a different one. When they are yelling or arguing it can be that something’s really bothering them, so they show anger instead.
Press: Have you ever dealt with bad/awful bullying situations in school?
Mrs. Rodriguez: I can’t talk about the bad situations but I can tell you how we handle it. I’ve been here for 3 years and I have had to deal with bullying situations that I had to investigate. We as a school work together to make a student feel comfortable and safe.
Press: How do you help students express their feelings in school?
Mrs. Rodriguez: I help students express their feelings by helping them understand that not all emotions are bad. But all of our emotions are okay.
Press: How do you handle drama/ arguments?
Mrs. Rodriguez: With students if there is drama or a conflict, I like the students to come into my office so that way they can resolve and talk about how they feel.
Press: Has there been a struggle talking about emotions, drama, bullying with other students?
Mrs. Rodriguez: Yeah, sometimes it can be a struggle because I want to help everyone. But sometimes I try and give students the tools that they need, but they have to be open by using some of the tools that I give them. But I always want to help every students with their emotions .
Press: Do you feel that you are a safe space for students?
Mrs.Rodriguez: It makes me feel really honored that students feel comfortable. I want to create that positive environment for them so they can share how they feel.
Press: What was one honorable memory with one student?
Mrs. Rodriguez: So, 2 years ago I had a student who invited me to a cultural ceremony where they honored teachers and staff basically thanking them for guidance and wisdom. I really felt honored to be invited by the student and I really felt grateful to be invited here from a student.
Press: How long have you been here for?
Mrs. Rodriguez: I have been here for more than 2 years.
Press: Do you ever wish you can have a different job?
Mrs. Rodriguez: No, I love my job!