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This is an interview with Mrs. Clark about her being a math teacher. It mainly concerns math; this is what she had answered to the questions in the interview.
Panther Press: How long have you been a math teacher?
Ashley Clark: 15 years.
Press: How do you teach math?
Mrs. Clark: What do you mean?
Press: Like do you do it the fun way like interacting with your students?
Mrs. Clark: Okay yeah I do, we interact, we play games, and do board activities.
Press: Okay, do you love teaching math?
Mrs. Clark: Yes.
Press: When you were in middle school like us, was math challenging for you?
Mrs. Clark: Yes.
Press: Do you like challenges though?
Mrs. Clark: Now yes.
Press: Okay, did you do well in math?
Mrs. Clark: I was an average C student.
Press: Right now, how well are your students doing in math?
Mrs. Clark: Good and Bad.
Press: Okay, do you have a favorite student?
Mrs. Clark: I do not.
Press: How do you grade the papers? Like the calculator or the traditional way?
Mrs. Clark: What do you mean about the traditional way?
Press: The ways you got taught in middle school. Do you use it that way or not?
Mrs. Clark: No, I grade them based on a point scale.
Press: Alright, does anyone from your family also teach math?
Mrs. Clark: No.
Press: How much do you respect/love Iselin Middle School?
Mrs. Clark: Oh I love Iselin Middle School, it’s one of my favorite schools.
Press: Ok thank you that is it.