What does the Esports club do? Do they play games that require you to move or do they play games using controllers? What games do they play? Physical or virtual games?
Panther Press: What does the Esports club do?
Mr. McDonough: The Esports club helps the students improve their video game skills.
Press: What type of games do you have?
Mr. McDonough: We have Rocket League, Smash Bros, and Chess for the winter.
Press: Do you enjoy being in charge of the Esports club?
Mr.McDonough: Yes.
Press: Why did you choose to become in charge of the Esports club?
Mr. McDonough: I set up the Esports club with another teacher that does not work here anymore.
Press: Do you guys travel for competitions?
Mr. McDonough: Only for championships if we make it.
Press: Have the Esports club ever won a championship before?
Mr. McDonough: No, but we have made it to the championship before.
Press: Are you happy with the progress of the Esports club?
Mr. McDonough: In some ways no and in some ways yes.
Press: Do you like or dislike the Esports club?
Mr. McDonough: I like it.