Ms. Popino next to a fruit tree ( photo courtesy of Ms. Popino)
Ms. Popino is a dance teacher at IMS. She has been working here for 4 years. And she has explained on what she did over winter break and where she has been for the 12 days of break.
Panther Press: So Ms. Popino, what did you do over winter break?
Ms. Popino: I went to see the Rockettes with my family, I celebrated Christmas with my family, I went to Charlotte in North Carolina to visit some of my friends, and a ski trip.
Panther Press: Did you travel anywhere for winter break or go see any family?
Ms. Popino: I went to Charlotte, North Carolina because I have a friend that lives there. We rented out a nice condo, then we went to Lake Platwood.
Panther Press: Do you celebrate Christmas and New Years?
Ms. Popino: Yes, I celebrate both.
Panther Press: Is there a specific reason why?
Ms. Popino: My family is Catholic so Christmas is a religious holiday for us.
Panther Press: Since you celebrate Christmas/New Years, what was your favorite part?
Ms. Popino: My brother was home for Christmas because other years he goes with his wife so this year he came and that was really fun and nice to have him. Also with my cousin. And on New Years we all stayed together.
Panther Press: Final question: do you have any new year’s resolutions?
Ms .Popino: Yes I have a few but my main one is to be more present everyday.
Panther Press: That is all the questions I have for you is there anything else you’d like to add on?
Ms. Popino: No thank you, there is nothing else I would like to add on.