Basketball being shot in a basketball hoop ( photo made by ShutterStock)
Rachel Quiles is a stay-at-home mom. She is going to be the person in the article, who is getting interviewed.
Panther Press: What is your name?
Rachel: Rachel Quiles.
Panther Press: When is your birthday?
Rachel: March 10th, 1988.
Panther Press: Do you like the sport basketball?
Rachel:Yes! I used to watch it all the time when I was younger with my cousins.
Panther Press: Why do you like it?
Rachel: To see if people make a half court shot would be insane to see. That is why I like the sport of basketball.
Panther Press: Are you familiar with a person named Michael Jordan?
Rachel: Of course! How could I not know him? He is the best of the best in my opinion!
Panther Press: Can you make a foul shot?
Rachel: Yeah! I always practiced where the foul shot was taken. And I think I still have it in me.
Panther Press: Have you ever been on a basketball team
Rachel: Yess!! I loved it and I was so good at it.
Panther Press: What grade were you in?
Rachel: I don’t remember the grade, but I do know I was in elementary school. I honestly miss playing basketball.
Panther Press: Do you remember what the team was called?
Rachel: No, I don’t remember sadly. It was so long ago to be honest.
Panther Press: Do you have a favorite basketball player?
Rachel: Yes, Michael Jordan. He is my favorite player!
Panther Press: What are two facts about him that you know?
Rachel: He played with the flu and he also has the best shoes! He is the best!
Panther Press:Why did you start liking the player?
Rachel: His attitude towards the game is honestly why I started liking him. He honestly inspired me to play basketball.
Panther Press Do you know how many points is a layup?
Rachel: Yes, it’s two points. How could I not know that?
Panther Press: Have you ever made a 3 pointer?
Rachel: I also think, I didn’t practice that shot when I did play most of the time.
Panther Press: Do you know how to play 2-3 zone?
Rachel: Yeah, but I honestly don’t like that one. I’m not very good at it to be honest.
Panther Press: Do you know how to play man-to-man?
Rachel: Yes, I do! That is my favorite thing to do when I’m in a game. I’m always locked in when it comes to that!