This picture describes Mrs. Malleck’s job. (photo by www.vexels.com)
Mrs. Malleck is a physical education and health teacher at Iselin Middle School, who teaches all grades.
Panther Press: Hello, Mrs. Malleck.
Mrs. Malleck: Good Afternoon, Ashritha.
Panther Press: What is your job, Mrs. Malleck?
Mrs. Malleck: I am a physical education and health teacher.
Panther Press: Okay, was being a physical education and health teacher, your childhood dream job?
Mrs. Malleck: As a child, I always wanted to be a teacher. I’d say in middle school and high school, I wanted to open my own clothing store. When I went to college, I went back to wanting to be a teacher.
Panther Press: That’s nice, have you had any other jobs before your current one?
Mrs. Malleck: Other jobs I had before this job was when I was in college I worked at a gym. In the summers, I still work at the beach.
Panther Press: How old were you when you started this job?
Mrs. Malleck: I was 24 years old when I started this job.
Panther Press: Oh okay, why did you choose this job?
Mrs. Malleck: I chose this job because I wanted to be able to educate students on physical education and health. This job was a great opportunity to achieve this.
Panther Press: That’s interesting, what’s your favorite thing about your job?
Mrs. Malleck: My favorite thing about the job is the school, teachers and students, and then working with the staff.
Panther Press: What’s the easiest part of your job?
Mrs. Malleck: The easiest part of my job is day to day teaching and sometimes having easy days. Depending on what happens during the day decides if it’s an easy day. It might be a day where everything goes to plan or a day where things go differently and not how you expect it to go.
Panther Press: What would you say is the hardest part of your job?
Mrs. Malleck: I would say the hardest part is never knowing what’s going to come up throughout the day. It could also be a fun part because it might be something good and exciting too. Lack of equipment, the weather to go outside, and thinking of games to have the students play is also a hard part sometimes.
Panther Press: Okay, do you enjoy your job?
Mrs. Malleck: I do enjoy my job a lot.
Panther Press: Would you recommend your job to other people? Why or why not?
Mrs. Malleck: I would recommend my job to other people. I think that it’s a great career, it’s fun to be able to teach students every day. I love to see students learning and having fun too.
Panther Press: Do you have anything else to add?
Mrs. Malleck: This is my 3rd school I’ve taught at. I started teaching right out of college. I first taught in my hometown in Point Pleasant Beach. Then, I taught in Lakewood and then came here to Iselin Middle School.
Panther Press: Thank you for letting me interview you!
Mrs. Malleck: Of course, any time!