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The Panther Press

The Student News Site of Iselin Middle School

The Panther Press

The Panther Press

Gabby Sienkiewicz, Reporter


Gabriella Sienkiewicz is a student at Iselin Middle School. Born in April 2013, she lives with her sister, mom and dad, and dogs. Growing up in Colonia, NJ, Sienkiewicz would always go to Merrill Park with her family. She is always taking walks,riding bikes, and doing cheer. She loves to hang out with all of her friends.     

Sienkiewicz does cheerleading for her competition team and for the  school. She loves the adrenaline of performing for judges and over 500 people.  Her team is going to Disney for Nationals this December. Outside of cheer she also likes to listen to music, make bracelets, and play with her dogs, Loki and Codi. Her dogs play a big part in her life. Every morning they come and wake her up, and they always try their best to annoy her.


All content by Gabby Sienkiewicz
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