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  • There will be a Panther Press Journalism Club Meeting this Thursday after school in Room 418. Please have your content or article completed so we can publish.
  • The Debate Club meeting for tomorrow, Wednesday, will be held as scheduled, but the meeting on Thursday will be postponed to next week. Please check the Debate Club Google Classroom for more information.
  • 8th Grade National Honor Society will have a mandatory meeting on Monday, February 3 right after school in Room 117. Make sure you have a ride home at 4pm as there are no late buses.
  • Bollywood Dancing with Ms. Popino has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, January 29th during lunch! Sign-ups are in your grade-level Google classroom.

The Panther Press

The Student News Site of Iselin Middle School

The Panther Press

The Panther Press

Aishmin Kaur, Reporter, Reporter

       Aishmin Kaur is an eighth-grade student at Iselin Middle School. She loves to play volleyball, softball, and cross country. She is a big person when it comes to sports. She is on the school softball team and cross-country team. Kaur’s favorite basketball team is the Lakers she is waiting for them to play on October six.


 She loves dogs and wishes to have one as a pet. Her favorite colors are black and blue. Kaur loves cooking and baking. Her favorite food is pizza and french fries from McDonalds. Kaur has one younger brother who is in 6th grade and goes to Iselin Middle School with her. Her favorite subject is health because she wants to enter medicine. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.


All content by Aishmin Kaur, Reporter
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