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  • There will be a Panther Press Journalism Club Meeting this Thursday after school in Room 418. Please have your content or article completed so we can publish.
  • The Debate Club meeting for tomorrow, Wednesday, will be held as scheduled, but the meeting on Thursday will be postponed to next week. Please check the Debate Club Google Classroom for more information.
  • 8th Grade National Honor Society will have a mandatory meeting on Monday, February 3 right after school in Room 117. Make sure you have a ride home at 4pm as there are no late buses.
  • Bollywood Dancing with Ms. Popino has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, January 29th during lunch! Sign-ups are in your grade-level Google classroom.

The Panther Press

The Student News Site of Iselin Middle School

The Panther Press

The Panther Press

Zion Mirza

Zion Mirza, Reporter

Zion Mirza is a student at IMS. Mirza was born in America but his parents were born in India. Mirza has spent some of his childhood in India but he mainly grew up in America. Mirza also studied in Dubai for 6 months. He is a pro in math but his favorite subject is Geography, World History and the flags of countries.  While Mirza loves Geography he still has other passions like video games or playing with friends. 


Mirza’s favorite hobby is to play video games. This video game that Mirza likes to play is called Roblox. Mirza’s favorite tv show his entire life is called Ninjago. If for some reason another season of Ninjago is not available, he instead watches another series called Jujutsu Kaisen.  Mirza likes to read a series of books called Dog Man. Mirza is said by his parents to have a huge fond for eating chicken. Mirza also likes to watch tv or talk to his friends on his phone when he is bored.

All content by Zion Mirza
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